Short Strange

From Radical Origins: Episode 5

The Christmas Happening of 1970 was meant to be a cultural gathering full of music, spiritual awakening and holiday celebration.

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From Radical Origins: Podcast 5

Listen to real stories about The Happening from those who were there with extended stories, bonus interviews, and more.

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"What actually happened is 20,000 people invaded Laguna Beach and we had a good time."

- Star Shields

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An Unprecedented Gathering

On Christmas Day 1970, 20,000 visitors arrived in Laguna Canyon for a celebration of love, music, spiritual awakening and orange sunshine falling from the sky.

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A Permanent Legacy

While OC law enforcement dispersed The Happening and buried what remained, the festival has retained its historical and social significance decades after the fact.


Even after three days, “The Christmas Happening” never quite reached its full potential. Despite the weather, the lack of marquis names and the road blocks - plenty of “Happening” attendees came away with their own unique perspective of how amazing, life-changing or disappointing of an event it was.

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