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Laguna Beach Expands Smoke-Free Ordinance Citywide

Laguna Beach Expands Smoke-Free Ordinance Citywide

Laguna Beach City Council voted to adopt Ordinance 1624

At its May 23, 2017 meeting, the Laguna Beach City Council voted to expand the City’s current smoking prohibitions to include all public places, such as sidewalks, streets, and alleys as well as common areas of multi-unit residences, including laundry rooms, play areas, and pools. The ordinance, which goes into effect on June 23, 2017, is aimed at all types of smoking products, including tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaporizers, and marijuana.

Laguna Beach’s existing Municipal Code included a smoking prohibition at public beaches and beach access ways, parks, outdoor eating areas, public transportation, in hazardous fire areas, and inside places of employment. In order to promote and protect public health, safety, and general welfare, the City Council adopted a citywide smoking ordinance that prohibits smoking in all public places, common areas of multi-unit housing, in City facilities, and on City property. The ordinance is further intended to ensure a cleaner and more hygienic environment for the city, its residents and visitors, and its natural resources. Other California cities that limit smoking in public places include Manhattan Beach, Calabasas, Beverly Hills, Carpinteria, Coronado, El Cajon, and San Luis Obispo.

Under the ordinance, smoking will only be permitted in the following locations within the City, unless otherwise provided by state or federal law:

1. Private residential properties, other than those used as a child-care or health-care facility subject to State licensing requires; and

2. Within a moving or stationary vehicle, including a vehicle on a public street or right of way, or parked in a public place.

City staff will continue to inform the public of the new smoking ordinance through a community outreach and education campaign.More information on Laguna Beach’s smoking ordinance can be found at:

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