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Coastal Eddy a Gallery

Coastal Eddy a Gallery

coastal eddy a gallery opened in May, 2013. A “coastal eddy” is a unique weather event that occurs between Catalina Island and Laguna Beach, California where the gallery is located. An “eddy” defined is a whirlpool or vortex of constant energy. It was my vision as Owner/Artist to create a media specific space that would contain that energy by showcasing the best in ceramic art. Laguna Beach, has a rich history in ceramic art and needed a gallery to represent both the past and present in ceramic techniques. Artists represented are from all over the country as well as Canada. From functional ware to abstract sculpture, the ever-changing collection is meant to inspire. “Art for Art’s Sake” is as important as the sale, if you have creative, edgy art that’s evocative, people will connect and find a place for it in their lives.

Hours: please call
Phone: (949) 715-4113

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